Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy Monday!  So this weekend I decided that my body seriously needed a reboot!  Not a computer reboot but a BODY reboot!  Sometimes our bodies get over worked (mentally, physically and emotionally), and I'm sure most of you would agree with that.  

Question:  How many veggies are you eating daily?

I'm at that point where I'm taking caring of my body physically but need to cleanse my inside to remove the toxins that we are digesting daily.   I decided to reboot my system for 7 days.....NO that doesn't mean I'm going to be on one of those Water, lemon cleanse diets and not eat at all!  I'm not that kind of girl.  I wouldn't even call this a diet!  I'm going to eat clean, and watch what I'm constantly putting into my mouth.  I would love some of you to join me in this cleanse and see what our bodies do!  Mine will probably go into shock....which may not be a bad thing! :)

My plan for the next 7 days is to follow my friend Frankie Andersen's cleanse:

Drink 4 scoops of Greens (3 times a day) - I'm taking them from It Works but I'm sure you can find them at Whole Foods as well.
2 amazing shakes a day and 1 sensible meal (LOTS AND LOTS OF VEGGIES)
snacks can include: Almonds, apples, carrots, broccoli....anything you consider CLEAN eating

A made a shake today that was so yummy:
8 oz of Almond Milk
1/2 Banana
frozen blueberries
chia seeds (which have so many amazing benefits including keeping you full longer)
1 scoop of protein
handful of spinach

I'll keep you all posted on how I feel!  I hope you try this with me.....
Here's to eating Clean and Running a Healthy Machine

Kirsten signing off "CLICK"

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